It’s difficult to strengthen mobile device security inside of your business without using MDM software. The following are nine of the best mobile security practices for small businesses. Bear in mind, many of these practices cannot be implemented without utilizing MDM software.
1) Create a mobile device policy
One of the best security practices you can implement is the creation of a mobile device policy. A mobile device policy is the set of procedures and requirements your staff and employees must follow when using mobile technology for work or while accessing the company’s network.
Mobile device policies can include requirements such as mandatory device registration, procedures for reporting lost or stolen devices, a list of permitted or banned applications, and more.
While you do not need MDM software to create a mobile device policy, it is almost impossible to enforce your policies without it.
2) Set password requirements
Compromised passwords are responsible for over 80% of data breaches, and with 48% of employees using the same passwords for both personal and work devices, it puts your company’s data at an even greater risk of exposure.
Establishing strict password requirements not only for mobile devices but all devices on your network, is one of the best things you can do to begin strengthening mobile security.
Require employees to create strong and unique passwords for each of their accounts. Passwords should be a minimum of 8-characters in length and use a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. Avoid common words and require multi-factor authentication when possible.
Single Sign-On (SSO) solutions are also worth considering as a way to simplify password management for your end-user employees (they only need to remember one password) while maintaining strong password security.
3) Incorporate biometric features
While it’s important to have strong passwords to limit who has access to information on mobile devices, add an extra layer to your mobile security by requiring the use of biometric features. These features can drastically limit who has access to data.
The majority of mobile devices on the market have at least one biometric feature built-in. These include facial, voice, fingerprint, and signature recognition.
In your mobile device policy, you can even mandate the use of biometric features as a part of your mobile security practices.
4) Block known malicious apps
As mentioned before, mobile applications pose one of the greater security risks to your organization. Malicious applications are responsible for 24% of fraud attacks according to a Netmotion Software report, and while they may be deleted from Apple or Google’s app store, they can remain on devices until they’re manually removed by the user.
Using MDM software, you can proactively block known malicious applications on mobile devices across your network. Additionally, when security patches become available for known vulnerabilities in applications, you can automatically push those updates to the mobile devices registered with your enterprise.
5) Encrypt ALL mobile devices
Another great mobile security practice for small businesses is to encrypt all of the mobile devices that access your network. Encryption converts all of the stored data on a device into something only accessible with a specific authentication key, usually a password.
You can also require employees to use a VPN (an encrypted network connection) when accessing your company’s network remotely. These encrypted connections ensure data is safely and securely transmitted and also prevent unauthorized users from eavesdropping.
6) No public Wi-Fi accessibility
While the availability of public hotspots is increasing due to the growth in remote work, it does not mean they are getting more secure. Without exception, all public Wi-Fi networks are prone to being compromised by hackers.
Because of this, one of the best mobile security practices to incorporate into your mobile device policy is a ban on the use of public Wi-Fi networks. If your employees need to connect to Wi-Fi to conduct business on their mobile devices, it needs to be a secure connection to avoid malicious attacks.
7) Enable remote lock/data wipe
Enabling remote lock and data wipe on mobile devices is another beneficial security practice. In the case of loss or theft, using MDM software, you can lock the missing mobile device. And if necessary, you can erase the data from stolen mobile devices so it’s not compromised.
8) Employee education
One of the best mobile security practices is continued employee education. Many data leaks are preventable and your best defense lies with those on the front lines.
Require employees to participate in cybersecurity training several times per year. Review your security policies, mobile device policies, password requirements, network accessibility procedures, the latest phishing attacks, malicious applications, and more.
The effectiveness of your mobile security isn’t just about the tools you have, it’s about how well you can educate your employees too.
9) Budget for MDM solutions
Mobile devices are favored entry-points for attackers because the attention businesses give to mobile security is lackluster at best. And with more companies employing a remote workforce, investing in strengthening your company’s mobile device security is vital.
Budget generously for mobile device management solutions. Remember, the average cost of a data breach is $3.86 million. The proactive investment in both MDM software and cyber liability insurance is significantly less compared to the expenses associated with a security attack.
Need help in implementing a more comprehensive solution? Contact our team at Commprise and we’ll help you find the best MDM solution for your business. Book your call today!